Reboot Radio

Interview with Jacki Taylor: Face Yoga & Gua Sha Instructor

March 26, 2023 Sheila Keilty Season 1 Episode 4
Interview with Jacki Taylor: Face Yoga & Gua Sha Instructor
Reboot Radio
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Reboot Radio
Interview with Jacki Taylor: Face Yoga & Gua Sha Instructor
Mar 26, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4
Sheila Keilty

Join me as I sit down with Jacki Taylor, Face Yoga & Gua Sha Instructor.  Jacki is one of our expert guest speakers at the upcoming "Thrive+Revive! The Vitality Summit" on April 25th, where she is going to be doing a live Face Yoga session, showing us how to put the power of our inner glow and skin health - literally - in our own two hands! Creating a face lift without the needles, knives, and surgery! 

Show Notes Transcript

Join me as I sit down with Jacki Taylor, Face Yoga & Gua Sha Instructor.  Jacki is one of our expert guest speakers at the upcoming "Thrive+Revive! The Vitality Summit" on April 25th, where she is going to be doing a live Face Yoga session, showing us how to put the power of our inner glow and skin health - literally - in our own two hands! Creating a face lift without the needles, knives, and surgery! 

Hello and welcome to Reboot Radio. I'm your host, Sheila Keilty, the UN-Diet Coach. 

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 So on today's episode of Reboot Radio, we're talking to Jacki Taylor. Hello Jacki. How are you.

 I'm great. Thank you. I'm really excited to be here. 

 How are things today over on your side of the pond? 

 A little bit wet, to be honest. It started off beautiful this morning and it's got wetter as the day has gone on and we seem to be suffering from really strong winds. 

 Oh, that's no fun.. Well, Jacki's an amazing person that I met recently. She  is a certified Face Yoga and Gua Sha instructor and Esthetician with 30 years experience. So tell us about your background and how you became a Face Yoga and Gua Sha instructor.

 Well, the Face Yoga and Gua Sha is kind of a more recent thing. I trained in my early twenties as a beauty therapist. It actually stunned most people that I just decided to go to beauty school because I'd never really been somebody who I'd always looked after my skin, but it had not been the thing that I'd left school wanting to do. And in my twenties I just suddenly got the bug for it and I went to beauty school and absolutely loved it. It tipped every single box for pleasure, for something that I wanted to do for my interest. So that's the whole beauty thing started.

And then I had jobs in beauty therapy. I worked at the sparring Selfridges here in London and various other beauty salons. And I now work at a major retailer on their beauty section. So it's always been part of what I do. And then Fay Yoga and Gua came into my world. At the start of the pandemic, actually the year before we went into lockdown, I'd lost 54 pounds in weight.


Thank you. that was for my brother's wedding. So I had this goal to wear this particular outfit and I managed to do that. And when we went into lockdown About nine months later I kind of know myself quite well and knew that I could just end up becoming a couch potato and eating because I was put onto  What we call furlough here in the UK.

So, my job basically said we didn't want you to come into work for a while. I was at home for three months and I could have sat and watched telly and just eaten myself back to where I had been before. I know that that's the type of person that I am. But I'm very much changed and I decided, I absolutely made a decision that I was going to make sure that I went out every day for exercise.

We were allowed out for one hour every day here in the UK, and I was going to use that hour and I was going to stay on my eating regime. I was going to get out and exercise, and so I started to run. And running was great, but I do suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. So over time I started to struggle with the running.

So I thought, right, what else can I do? What can I look at? And a random post on Facebook came up with a load of yoga postures and I thought, oh, that's, that looks all right. Let's give those a go. I couldn't do a single one, dear.   I was so inflexible. So I then decided that's going to be my focus.

I'm going to do walking and I'm going to do yoga. I started to do that and I started to see really great changes in my body after having carried so much weight for so long.  I started to see definition in my body and everything, but nothing was changing in my face. I still felt very jolly. I still had a lot of excess flesh around my chin and my cheeks were puffy  and I I'm using all the creams, I'm using all the lotions and potions. I don't want to go down the surgery route. So how am I going to work on my face? And I suddenly, I don’t know why I mean, I know that the face has 57 muscles in it. And I suddenly figured, well, if I'm working out my body, , there must be a way to work out my face.

So a bit of Googling, and found Face Yoga. And signed up for this like 21 day thing. And that was it. I was hooked. I had to do I, in 21 days, I started seeing differences. You know, it’s like any other exercise. You have to be working at it every single day and committed to actually see changes. But you do start to see changes in your skin tone and your complexion.

And that was it. I was just hooked. So I, I did a teacher training course and then that led me into Gua and the rest they say is history. . 

So you touch on some amazing points here for the kind of things we do on reboot radio. I talk to a lot of people that are in the midst of a transformation of some kind. And you said something early on that really struck me. You said you had made a decision to change, and I bring this up a lot.  It being, well, being healthy, being glowing, taking care of yourself is a decision. And a lot of people say, oh, I don't have time. I envy people who have time.  and it really is that if your why, if your conviction is strong enough, the how will work itself out.

So you were on a journey. You wanted your body to be better. You figured out how to do that, and you made a decision knowing yourself that you were not going to fall into the old habits of the couch potato world. You're going to keep this 54 pounds off, and you were going to get out and fix your muscle tone in your body and get out and working despite having chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, which I know well.

So that's a big decision. That's a big commitment to your transformation.  and that you approached your face in the same way. It doesn't surprise me, but it's true. You can work out your body all you want. It's not going to do anything for your face. And when you say you tried all the lotions and potions, I'm sure you have access to far more lotions and potions in your world than we would.

But why don't you talk to us a little bit why lotions and potions don't work? Cause there's a lot of people spending tons of money. On very expensive creams and collagen peptides and all kinds of money being poured out to the big beauty industry. Can you talk a little bit about that? 

I can. I'm not going to diss lotions and potions because I still am an a as a trained beauty therapist, esthetician.

I still believe that using a very good cleansing and moisturizing routine is an absolute must for skin health. 

Absolutely. I'm not dissing them. I'm just saying to meet all of it doesn't, it's not one thing. It's not all things and lotions and potions aren't going to fix. Your muscle tone in your face, for instance.

Absolutely. A lot of people just go there and say, oh, I'm going to buy something and put it on my face and it's going to fix everything. 

Absolutely, people come to me in the store that I work in and they say, I just want to get a cream that's going to get rid of these lines. Well, I'm really sorry, but there isn't a cream that's going to do that.

Like you know it will soften your skin. And it will help to soften that. but we are all going to age is something we cannot avoid, so we're all going to get lines and wrinkles. It really is more about how do you want to age?


I look around me and I see people.  younger than myself. I'm 53, younger than myself that are really very lined. Mm-hmm. . And they keep saying to themselves, I'm too old for this. And it's like, you are not too old for anything. . Age is a frame of mind. And if you keep telling yourself you're old, then you're going to be old.

 We create our own limiting beliefs. And you had decided to forego yours about that you're a couch potato and those scripts that you give yourself about who you are, and you made a decision to change, but a lot of people get stuck in that rut. Well, my mother was wrinkly, so I'm going to be wrinkly. And that's just the way it is.

I'm just going to age that way. But the decisions that we're making, right now, these decisions we're talking about are really going to change the quality of what your aging is later on. It's the decisions today, right now that you're making. 

And you can change your decision right here, right now in this very moment.


You know, it's just because you've decided that you are one way doesn't mean that you can turn it around.  and completely change your mind. 


You're totally entitled to. For me, for my personal journey. As I started to see the changes and I started to see how powerful Face Yoga actually is for the rest of my health.  It's called Face Yoga.  And you instantly think that it's about exercises, tackling lines and wrinkles. I would say yes, it is something to help you tone the muscles and everything, but when you actually get into it properly, it's an entire health and wellbeing system.

And by looking after your skin through what you put on it, through what you feed it. Through how you move it and exercise it. Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and you will literally change your health by focusing on your skin health. If you, does that make sense? 

Oh, you and I have talked about that. People forget that your skin is absolutely the biggest, most important organ in our body. It's not just our skin suit that holds everything in. It actually does things. It's connected to your autoimmune system, and hormones are created through our skin. Vitamin D is not a vitamin, it's a hormone, and it's created subcutaneously, and wrinkles are actually created very deep in your skin. So people always think of it like it's just this quarter inch layer that is our bag that holds us together, but it has so much more.

Exactly. And, and when you actually start looking at how do I have healthy skin, then everything else will come into alignment. And I think my journey's moved from, yes, I didn't want to be a couch potato into, I want to age as healthily as I. I don't want to be sort of one of these 80-year-old people who are bent over double, hunched over a stick and can't do anything and feel like their life is over and they're just living and waiting to die.

That's not me. I mean, I'm not a sky diver. I'm terrified of heights, but I want to be the kind of elderly person who wouldn't, if I wanted to, could jump out of a plane , you know?  I want to have that vitality and that energy and authenticity, you know, be able to make authentic choices. Yeah. Never give myself any limitations because of my age.

I think that is one of my driving factors of Face Yoga. I know that if I follow the practice I will stay as youthful as I can be as I get older, you know, I'm not going to not get lines and wrinkles and I'm not going to, you know, not age through doing Face Yoga, but I'm going to age gracefully and I'm going to age well.

Good on you. Full disclosure. I'm also a client of Jacki, so I . I love what she's doing for my old 61-year-old face here. I'm 61 in June, but you had said that your skin is a mirror of your internal world, and I wrote that down last time we talked. I found that a fascinating, wonderful quote. Can you tell us what you mean by that?

Okay, so everything that you experience, So when I say experience, that's what you're experiencing externally. So your environment, pollution and that kind of stuff. How you think. So if you've got a negative thought or you're not feeling very positive.

Everything you feel. So if you're feeling sad, if you're feeling happy, where does that show? Where does all that show? It shows on your face, your face. most of us can't hide what we're thinking, feeling, experiencing. Not only does it show on our face from an expression point of view, but over time it will start to show in our skin, our skin will get gray, our skin will get lined. And our face is the one thing we show to the world. 


Every single person we meet sees our face. Yes. Is not something we hide. And so when I say internally it's in our face. That's everything. Everything we think, feel, experience comes out in our face. And that's what I mean by 

Well, it's absolutely true, and I, I will try to look it up guys,  listeners, and see if I can figure out where I heard this. But 98% of your decision about someone you meet is based on looking in their face. We look at people's faces and make hundreds of micro decisions about is this person safe? Are they happy? Are they a threat? Are they thinking bad things? Are they thinking good things? Are they listening to you at all? Or are they off making their grocery list in their head while you're talking? Are they a good person? Are they someone you should stay away from? We make all these decisions in an instant based on faces.  All these lines from not only our expressions but our thoughts on our health and everything. I know that my skin, when I went from being very unhealthy diabetic person, my pictures and I shared this with you, that my pictures from my 50th birthday and my 60th birthday could have been swapped.

I looked like my own grandmother. When I was 50, because I wasn't taking care of myself, I was very sick.  But now I'm living so cleanly, nutritionally with a lot of dense nutrition, really taking care of myself as a health coach.

You know, you can't be an unhealthy health coach. So it keeps me on my toes, keeps me honest, but my skin has completely changed. I don't have wrinkles nearly as much as anyone I know who's my age. It's not as saggy as it was when I first started out, simply by the nutritional aspect. So now I do have this leftover skin and I do have jowls and saggy chin and all those things, partially for my age, partially because I've lost 130 pounds.

And Jacki's helping me get my old baggy lady face, you know, back in shape as well. So I'm excited to see where that goes. 

I was just going to say we're working on that . 

We're working on it. We're working on it. Yeah. So that's wonderful. You got involved with Face Yoga and a lot of people are saying, what's Gua Sha?

I know it was the number one gift last year across the whole world. Everybody. I gave so many Gua Sha stones out Gua Sha kits and rollers and all the different things, and I got one that was metal. You're like, no, Sheila, that's for your body. Yeah. So tell, tell people about everybody's got one sitting on their vanity or their dresser or their bedside table, and they don't know what to do with these things. So tell people what the Gua Sha stone is. 

Okay. So a Gua Sha is a crystal stone that in simplest terms, you massage your face with, it dates back to the Tang Dynasty. That's the first recorded dates and it's been a fundamental part of Chinese medicine since then.

The way it works is we obviously have our circulation going through our body. We have a secondary system called the lymphatic system. And we also have an energetic system, and Chinese medicine works on the meridian lines and acupressure points. The idea is that when we are poorly or sick, we have blocks in our energetic system. And so what they used to do was they would massage with these crystals, these stones called Gua Sha. I'll tell you what Gua Sha means. Gua means to scrape, and Sha means redness. So what you're doing is you are scraping the body to create redness. And what that redness does is it actually stimulates the circulation and the lymphatics bringing Oxygen, nutrients so basically a seven minute washer treatment, increases micro circulation by 400%. 

No way!

Yeah. So you are literally feeding your skin with everything that it needs. And at the same time, you are stimulating the lymphatic system, which is the waste disposal system of the body, taking away toxins and anything there.

And then from an energetic point of view if you work with energy like I do I'm a reiki healer as well as a face a Face Yoga instructor. Wow. When you sort of work on the energetic system we have blocks of energy, which cause stagnation in the body which then cause ill health. So by working with the Gua Sha on the meridians and acupressure points, you can also clear those energetic blocks as well.

So it's an overall health and wellbeing system. You can Gua Sha all over the body. As you say, you've got a metal Gua Sha, which is absolutely great for doing the body with. But when we come to the face, we use crystals which are much softer and much gentler.

So that's Gua Sha in sort of very simplistic terms. It's not complicated to do it, but there is an awful lot of science that sits behind it. 

Absolutely. There's so much in Eastern medicine that we overlook, they figured a lot out during the Tang Dynasty, that's when a lot of the meridians were figured out. It was a lot of those kind of things going on. People were mapping the body. And the other reason that stagnation and that I know this from what I do anyway, whenever you have stagnation and lymphatic backup in your body, that's when you get bloated areas, puffy areas, so on your face, it's not just, oh, well, it's kind of a good idea to get energy flowing. That's when you wake up and your face is puffy and things are happening and they're jowly. And it just, why do I look this way? It's when there's that stagnation, there's no circulation going on. Your energy meridian has come to a screeching halt and you have these blockage areas that cause different puffiness.

And when you use the Gua Sha and you use Face Yoga like Jacki teaches us to do, it gets everything moving, gets all your circulation going, gets those meridian points, get your energy flowing, your cheek flowing throughout your body, and it clears up those little puffy areas. And all those little saggy baggy places have a chance to recover and have circulation back in.

Is that a, a fair statement? 

That is a very fair statement. And the one of the beauties of doing Face Yoga and face Gua Sha is yes, you will see major changes over time, but in one little session, you will feel and see a difference. So if I'm going out for the evening and I just want to lift my eyebrows or just feel a little bit lifted  a couple of hours before I go out and before I'm going to put my makeup on I just do a little Gua Sha session and it just completely lifts my skin, both sort of glowing wise and muscle wise and everything. So you get an instant fix as well as the long-term benefits. 

Well, they say the new beauty is healthy, and I think nothing is sexier than being all aglow with health. On a primal level, on a genetic primal level, people are attracted to someone who's healthy. We look for healthy partners. It's one of the things, and I'm not a hundred percent healthy. I'm in and out of a wheelchair, and I've got paralysis issues and autoimmune issues. 

And to all my ladies out there that are listening that are my chronic illness gals, you get this, you can move past that in a way where it doesn't have to be what you telegraph the world that, oh, look at me, I'm sick.  You can embrace glowing health outwardly that helps inform your internal self, your psyche, that you're okay. You have these issues, but you are still healthy and glowing. And when someone sees you, whether you have makeup on or not, and you're all a glow, you've got that glowing teenager kind of thing about you that's super sexy, that is super attractive. I'm saying if, even if you're going out just to find friends or you're going out with a group of friends, people are attracted to glowing health, and that's something that you, like you say, you're getting ready to go out, do a little Gua Sha. It might lift your eyebrows, it might do physical things, but internally also you're aglow, you're moving your chi around your body, you're getting things going, getting the juices flowing around your body, and it really does a lot to telegraph the beauty of health.

Absolutely. And I will also say to people with chronic illness for years and years, I said that I couldn't do exercise. And that, oh, I couldn't go out for a walk. It was too much. I mean, you know, I'm having a bit of a chronic fatigue crash at this very moment, however, 


-- every single day I can do facial yoga. I might not have the energy to walk very far. I might not have the energy to do very much on my yoga mat, but every single day I can practice Face Yoga and I can practice Gua Sha so I know that I'm doing something good for my health. 

Good on you. That's wonderful. That's a great tip to give people because there's always something you can do for self-care.

Yeah. You don't have to go out and run a marathon to take care of yourself. That's not what being healthy is about. People have dialed back that insanity of the people on biggest losers screaming at you to work out for eight hours. That's not how to be healthy. That is how to be in a chronic cortisol state, which also causes you to be wrinkly and haggard looking. it is about functionality. It's about being aglow with something that's maintainable. That's the level that you can do, and the key is just doing it. If you overdo it, you're going to be out for a week afterwards. You're not going to be working out every day, but whether it's working out your face with Face Yoga and Gua Sha, or whether it's doing yoga or going out for your run or a walk, or whatever it is that you do. It's the consistency, it's the doing it every day practicing self-care. And that's what I love about doing. It's very contemplative. It's very meditative for me to do it every day. I do it every morning and every night I do my routine that Jacki gave me. And it's just lovely. 

And I have trigeminal neuralgia. I have the neuralgia in my, uh, skull and face and just horrible Bells Palsy I've had that I've come back from a couple times. I can still do Face Yoga with Jacki, and she listened to what my health concerns are. So anybody out there, any of my gals are like, yeah, but I have this and I have that going on I have a bad back. We've had to change so many of these things or Jacki has to give me something that works for me. She was concerned that a-number-one, that I was healthy and able to do it and that's what she does for her clients. 

Because she's not doing this just because it's the popular thing to do. This is a woman with decades of experience who was attracted to doing this because she liked people, she liked beauty, she liked the aesthetics of the whole thing and working with other people and improving their lives.

That's why Jacki's amazing because she's coming at it from a good place. Oh, thank you, . Oh, you're welcome. I'm a big Jacki fan. You know that, but I think everybody should know about you. 

So tell us, you know, how people can get in touch with you. How can they you to reach out and see about getting to know you and is there a way they can get to know you and see if this is for them?

Absolutely. I would say the first port of call would be to go to my website, which is Um, and then on my website you can download a free little Face Yoga guide, which I call my five minute facelift without a knife and needles. So you can sign up for that is free and give it a go.

And then if you go onto the community page, it shows you all the places that you can find me. So I'm on Facebook, I have a beautiful group on Facebook where I do Face Yoga lives and put videos on and tips and advice for people to join. I'm on YouTube, you know, so if you go to the communities page on my website that shows you where you can find me, really, it's probably the best place to go.

If they took this and it's something they want to do, is it a super long commitment or is it something that's more of a membership or how would they get involved with you? 

Okay. Well, there's various ways. Again, if you go to the services page on my website, that's there. You can join my membership. There is no long-term commitment. You can just join for the month and give that a try. I think everybody will love it, so they'll want to stay. But there is the membership. If you are on the right time zone, I do a monthly class on Zoom so you can join from the comfort of your own home. 

And I also will work with people one-to-one. So if you want much like you are doing Sheila, if you've got health concerns and you don't want to be in front of other people doing Face Yoga and so on, then you can reach out to me. We can work on a one-to-one level and I create a tailor-made skincare and Face Yoga program for you. And we work together to create that 

Great suggestion. I was just thinking of this when you were talking, but if people do have issues like me with my trigeminal neuralgia and my neck injuries and things that I'd really have to just not jump in a group thing, it's what keeps me from joining group things, because it's like, I'm going to get hurt, I'm going to go to a class and I'm going to try to do everything that everybody else is doing and I'm going to damage myself somehow. So it keeps me from going. 

The great thing about Jacki and the way she works is you could do a one-on-one session a few times with her, and they're very reasonable. She's made it something where people can do this and then after you've got your routine down, maybe then join the community and once you're clear on the changes you need to be making for yourself.

So there's all different ways of being involved. Dipping your toe and if you've got that Gua Sha thing sitting on the side of your table or on your vanity, you can pull it out and dust it off  and finally learn. Like for me, I've got the wrong kind. But you can find out, you know  

Well, Jacki, is there anything else you'd like to tell the folks out there who are listening?

Just 1 final thing. That good health is not going to come from a pill, okay? 


I think very much in the western world we've come to rely on big pharma. 


And believe that tablets are going to make us well. Good health is not going to come from that. 

Amen. Sister. 

And I think we are moving into a new age and a new world.


Where us as humans and as individuals, if we want to be healthy, if we want to be well, we've got to start taking our own responsibility for that. And yeah, it might be a pain, it might be a little bit difficult. It might be that you have to sort of cut things out of your diet or give yourself 15 minutes a day to do a Face Yoga routine.

But what are your priorities? Do you want to live a long, healthy life and be in control of your own health and wellbeing? Or do you want to be somebody who stays sick and reliant on a pill? 

That is such a great point. Quite controversial, but that's what, no, actually that's happily getting more and more mainstream to think that way because we are wising up to the fact that, you know, my mom's generation, the, the gals in their seventies and eighties, nothing wrong with your seventies and eighties year old gals. Thank you very much for forging the way for us. But my mom was always like, “just give me a pill.” ‘Living better through chemistry’ was the big saying in, in here, in the unit, us in the 1950s is chemistry was going to save everything. 

Obviously didn't, but pharmaceuticals treat symptoms. They don't treat diseases. So if you have a headache and you take Advil, Or Tylenol or whatever, Aleve or whatever it is what, whatever pill that's going to take away your headache for about four hours or three hours. But it doesn't treat the source of the headache. But just remember, even with diabetes medications, they are treating symptoms rather than the cause. 

So the good news here, Jacki, the good news, you know, the pony in that pile of dung there is, we are exposing the truth about how our bodies work. Through all these different ladies that we have a summit coming up called Thrive+Revive! The Vitality Summit on April 25th. Registration's free, but you have to be registered to be able to participate or to be able to see the replays and take advantage of all of the giveaways and all the different things.

And you're going to be hearing from Jacki. She's doing a live Face Yoga session showing us how to have a facelift without knives or needles, which would be wonderful. And she's doing a live session that day. But we also are hearing from five other major women experts in holistic wellness that day.

And our goal is we want people to leave with the beginning of what is a user's manual for your body so that you are in control. Food is medicine. Your hands as your surgery and not knives and needles and everything.

Going back to the wisdom of so long ago when we knew how to deal with all these things without masking it with pharmaceuticals. So I'm seeing this as a huge opportunity for us to turn this around. In this generation, all those babies we talked about, they're not going to be looking for a pill or a potion or a drink or a shake or whatever that like temporary thing is, they're going to be saying, okay, what can I actually do to change this permanently to get to the root cause? So if you have hyperglycemia and you have too much blood sugar in you, well then stop eating sugar. It’s so logical when you break it down. 

To what it is and if you want your face to be better, ya hire Jacki. You learn how to do Face Yoga and how to use that dusty old Gua Sha sitting there since Christmas!

With Jacki. Put the control over what you look like and feel like in the face you give to the world with your own two hands, literally with your own hands. You don't need anything special to do it. I had one gal who said, oh, I use olive oil on my face for my Gua Sha things. You know, you don't need any special anything.

You need your hands, and you put a little bit of time. I think it's like 10 minutes a day that I spend doing this. I have 10 minutes a day to glow out to the world. 

But it really is true. Jacki's putting the control of how you look to the world and how this biggest organ in your body is healthy or not in your own two hands. 

 So on that note, I hope to see you all at Thrive+Revive: The Vitality Summit. Go to and to get in touch with Jacki. It's and there's a whole Face Yoga guide that you can download from in there. 

Jacki, thank you so much for joining us today and talking to my gals out at Reboot Radio and we'll be seeing you at the summit. Yeah, I'm really excited for the summit and, and I've really enjoyed our conversation today.

Thank you so much for having me. 

Oh, my pleasure. We could talk forever. I'm going to have to cut us off because you know, you and I get talking. It's dangerous. Alright, thanks so much. Be well. 

And you. Bye-bye.

So take care. This is Coach Sheila Keilty. Have a great day. Bye now. See you next time on Reboot Radio.